You are closer than you think. We can help you get there!
Achieving Net Zero or Zero Energy through a Team Approach
Space Planning
Thoughtful space planning to optimize building utility systems.
Increasing available roof space for solar panel systems by locating HVAC systems indoors.
Minimizing shading by elements of the building to maximize solar exposure.
System Optimization
Programming a building to maximize operational diversity, and creating opportunities to modulate systems.
Metered low flow plumbing fixtures to reduce water.
High efficiency HVAC systems.
Solar photo-voltaic systems
Waste Reduction
Optimizing controllability of HVAC systems
Maximizing daylighting to minimize use to interior lighting
Utilizing equipment stand-by modes to avoid wasteful energy use
Return on Investment
Investment grade audits with performance contractors
Energy star certifications
ROI studies and analyses
Longstanding partnerships that facilitate consistent monitoring of building energy usages and ensure healthy, low cost operation
The engineering team at Thompson Consulting Engineers is particularly adept at analyzing a client's needs in terms of overall project scope, budgetary resources, sustainability and/or energy efficiency goals, risk aversion and in-house abilities to maintain systems, and then providing system solution options for our client's consideration that provide the best long-term value.